Going Bovine for books?

Here are our weekly reviews from our summer readers!

Daniel S. read Going Bovine by Libba Bray. Here’s what Daniel said about it, “Imagine if you would, that Bryan Lee O’Malley surrendered his brainchild series, Scott Pilgrim- Tales of Femme gothic, to Douglas Adams, Bob Dylan and Jack Kerouac and said, ‘Run with it.’ Going Bovine  is this and a hundred fold. I almost gave up on this book, thinking this was just another teenage charity case, but like in Alice in Wonderland before the rabbit hold, give it time as it soon takes a left turn in the bizarre and obscura. From smile cults to snowglobes, this is Bray’s one and only standout book.”

Julia A. read Among the Brave by Maragaret Peterson Haddix and thought she would recommend this book to a friend because, “it was full of suspense and how a boy overcomes his fears.”

Keep reading teens! If you want to be eligible for a prize or to get a review published, sign up for the summer reading program here. Questions? Comments? Email Ms. Sara @ sfigueroa@ivpl.org.

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